03 Mar 2013

In The Art of Connecting, Raines and Ewing identify a quality present in those who seem to be able to connect well, both in and outside their culture. The quality is curiosity.  Curious people do not tend to be judgmental. They ask questions and they take interest in others. It is difficult to be both curious and judgmental.

Over the years I have witnessed this to be true. I take many Americans overseas, many for their first international experience. I have also facilitated the receiving of many foreigners to the U.S.A. Who does best at connecting? It really is those who go into another culture and new relationships with curiosity.  Those who come to learn about others rather than simply being eager to “inform” others about themselves immediately form connections.  Personally, don’t you love it when you meet someone who takes interest in you? Don’t you love it when someone wants to learn about your culture, your family, and your interests? People who are curious ask questions. They connect.

IMG_2260Learn to ask questions well. Begin new relationships with a commitment to listen more than speak.  Observe cues with your new friend.  Ask questions. Be curious. If you will observe this one simple rule in cross cultural friendships, you will have a wealth of friends and a greater understanding and appreciation for the culture from which they come.

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